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How To Get Golem Armor in RLCraft

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There are several new armor sets in RLCraft but the strongest and most complicated to get is the Golem Armor. You can’t simply craft Golem Armor with a specific resource and recipe. Instead, each piece of Golem Armor can be crafted with nine entirely random items and the recipe is randomly generated on every seed. In this article you’ll learn how to get your very own Golem Armor in RLCraft!

What is the recipe for Golem Armor?

To discover the recipe for Golem Armor in your world you’ll have to use the Crafting Runes which come from the Forgotten Items mod.

You’ll need to use an Advanced Rune Reader to decipher the recipes hidden within the runes but you’ll need a regular Rune Reader as well because it’s part of the recipe for the advanced one.

When you use the Advanced Rune Reader you’ll clearly see the spot where you place your runes. Doing so will reveal the recipe that corresponds to that rune. This means you’ll need to go out and farm a bunch of runes to find the correct ones. With a bit of luck it shouldn’t take you too long. At the end of the article we’ll go through the best way to find new runes.

How do you craft Golem Armor?

After you’ve collected the four correct runes for the Golem Armor crafting it is simple. Once you’ve put the rune into the Advanced Rune Reader it’ll reveal the nine random items which you’ll need to place in the correct order within a Crafting Station. 

It can be a pain remembering the right items but there is a cool trick you can use with NEI interface to create a kind of shopping list for the correct items. When in an inventory the NEI interface should be visible. You can hover over any item on screen and press the ‘A’ key to save this item in the left hand panel of NEI. If you do this for all nine or all 36 items (full set) it’ll save them all and you can easily keep track of the items you still need. You can even press ‘A’ again on the item once you have it to remove it from the list, keeping only the ones you are still searching for.

How to find Crafting Runes in RLCraft.

The Crafting Runes can be found in desert temples and underwater ‘villages’. The underwater ones are definitely easier to find as you can just fly over the ocean and you’ll be able to see the structures clearly just under the surface of the water. 

Runes have fairly high drop rates in the chests there although they’ll be random ones and you can find duplicates. So hopefully you’ll have some luck!


Be aware that Golem Armor will make you sink in water and you will not be able to swim back up. If you forget this and jump in the ocean, don’t panic. Simply remove the Golem Armor and you’ll be able to swim back up.

Now that you know how to get your Golem Armor why not learn how to craft some OP weapons and tools with this Equipment Forge Guide!

Author SomeNutzGuy
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