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RLCraft Basic Weapons Guide

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Basic weapons in RLCraft are pretty amazing, especially Halberd. My personal favourite weapon is either the Halberd or the nunchucks (now that they have been fixed, yay!). In this quick RLCraft basic weapons guide I show you some of the weapons you can get hold of and what their special traits are.

So let’s get started with some of my favourites.

RLCraft Weapons, The Halberd

The halberd is probably my favourite weapon. It has great reach on it whilst also dealing really awesome damage. It’s super easy to build and can be created very early on in the game. All you need is some stone and a pole. The pole requires sticks and string or plant fibres to make. I highly recommend this as your first weapon.

Spears Are Deadly!

If you want something with a little more reach then it might be worth checking out the spear. It has ok damage and is even easier to build than the Halberd. It does feel a little clunkier to use, but I think it’s not a bad choice.

What about the RLCraft Nunchuks?

At some point, the Nunchuks were broken in RLCraft as it kept crashing me out of our server. It’s been reported that this is fixed now, so hopefully, we can start using them again. The cool thing about the Nunchuks is that you can hold down the attack button and they will just keep on attacking. They can be really good, but lack the single hit damage of the Halberd.

It’s Hammer Time

The hammer in RLCraft has a decent amount of knockback, which is useful against tough creatures. The only downside is the reach and damage compared to the likes of the spear/halberd. It can be good to really smash stuff off cliffs or back down into a dungeon.

I hope you enjoyed this quick rundown of some of the weapons you can get in RLCraft, for more I recommend checking out the video above.

Don’t forget, like most tools the weapons have can also have quality. So check out our rlcraft tool quality guide for more information on how to repair and improve your weapon quality.

Author Lynqoid
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